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2025 Summer Camp Guide

Welcome to Macaroni KID Athens' 2025 Summer Camp Guide, your ultimate Guide to local summer learning, adventure, and FUN! Finding the right camp for your child(ren) can be an overwhelming task. Let Macaroni KID Athens help you find an option that best suits your child's needs, interests, and schedule. 

Browse the list of camp options by category below, or by alphabetical order towards the bottom of this page.

This Guide was made possible in part with the generosity of these incredible local small businesses.

Crawford Laundry
Extra activities during the summer season usually result in extra laundry, too. Let Crawford Laundry take the load off your shoulders! They offer pick up and drop off services in and around the Athens area so you can have fresh, clean clothes delivered to your doorstep the very next day.
Schedule your pickup in 3 simple steps at

🚨  Use promo code LAUNDRY1 at checkout for 30% off of your first order and LAUNDRY2 for 30% off of your second order!

The Oconee Enterprise
The Oconee Enterprise is one of the few remaining locally owned weekly newspapers in Georgia. A trusted source of news, they offer a broad range of topics from local government, school news, and events.
Additionally,  The Oconee Enterpirse offers a quarterly magazine, Oconee County resource guide, and high school football schedule.
Print and E-Edition subscriptions are available at

🚨 Limited time offer!
Mention or use code MACARONIKID at checkout to save 20% on your next subscription or renewal.

Browse all 2025 Summer Camps below.
Want to share your camp? Send me an e-mail: