Have you ever thought about becoming more involved in your community? Have you ever wished there was more accessible education for the children who live within your community? If so, take a moment to learn how you can help form a Charter School where children can thrive emotionally, socially, and intellectually in your area.
Starting a charter school in Georgia might seem like a colossal task, but remember, every journey begins with a single step! Let FindAGaCharter.org be your guide and lifeline for supportive resources along the way.
Charter Schools in Georgia: A Unique Educational Option
Charter schools offer a distinctive approach to education, providing flexibility and innovation while still being publicly funded. Families are increasingly drawn to the personalized learning environments, diverse curriculum, and community-focused atmospheres that many charter schools provide.
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If you're considering this path, here are some key steps to guide you through the process:
1. Research Your Community's Interests & Needs |
- Engage in conversations about charter schools and different public school options with parents, families, educators, students, and other community stakeholders.
- Organizations like the State Charter Schools Foundation of Georgia, GeorgiaCAN, and the Georgia Charter Schools Association can offer informational sessions. Email info@findagacharter.org to request an info session.
- What are the educational needs of the community? Start by creating a “wish list” to meet the needs of your community.
- Who can help support a charter school? Think about local businesses, faith communities, families, lawmakers, and others.
2. Develop a School Model |
Use the feedback to develop an educational model for a new charter school.
- What educational approaches would meet the needs of the community? Ex. STEM or STEAM focus, project-based learning, language immersion, industry interaction.
- Do you have one or more experienced educators to guide the process and possibly serve as a school founder or original leader?
- Which neighborhoods would the school serve? Charter schools often serve larger attendance areas than traditional public schools.
- Organizations like BES offer fellowships for developing a school model.
3. Form a Nonprofit Organization With a Volunteer Board of Directors |
In Georgia, charter schools are nonprofit organizations governed by an independent board. Gather committed community stakeholders together into a board of directors and form a nonprofit organization.
- The Georgia Center for Nonprofits offers support for forming a nonprofit.
4. Prepare a Charter Petition |
Take your plan and create a charter petition to submit to a charter school authorizer. A charter petition is the proposed school’s operational and academic blueprint.
- Charter schools can be authorized by any local school board in Georgia or the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia.
- Georgia Charter Schools Association’s Incubator program can help you develop a petition and prepare for the petition process.
- Attend informational sessions and events to learn about the petition process, understand evaluation criteria, and strengthen your petition.
5. Submit the Charter Petition |
Review the charter petition submission process for the local board of education and State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia. If approved, the authorizer will enter into a charter contract with the organization. The State Board of Education will have the final approval of any charter school contracts.
Empower Your Community One Step At a Time With FindAGaCharter.org
📝 Start with Your Priorities: Begin by identifying and writing down your priorities and values when it comes to your the educational opportunities within your community. What academic focus are you looking for? What extracurricular activities would you like to include?
🔎 Study Existing Charter Schools: Learn from successful charter schools. Understand their missions, programs, and how they address community needs.
📖 Legal and Regulatory Framework: Familiarize yourself with the laws and regulations governing charter schools in your state or jurisdiction.
🗣️ Engage and Assemble: Form a team with diverse skills, and Involve parents, educators, community leaders, and potential supporters in the planning process.
❓ Ask Questions: If you have specific questions or need clarification, use the contact information provided on the site to reach out for support.
FindAGaCharter.org offers a wealth of information and guidance for those interested in navigating the world of Georgia's charter schools. Explore the possibilities and discover the opportunities! 📚 #FindAGaCharter
Learn more about the Georgia Strategic Charter School Growth Initiative by taking a moment to view their website and follow them on both Facebook and Instagram for updates and projects taking place all over the state of Georgia.
Have questions? Reach out! Contact GSCSGI via e-mail info@findagacharter.org or by calling 404-615-5925.