
Mindful Breathing for Kids

Presented by The Little Rose Nature School

By Melissa Steele June 27, 2017
If you've ever taken a deep breath in the midst of a stressful situation, you know how calming that can be. Teaching this nifty trick to children gives them the gift of learning to manage their own stress, and let's face these days have a LOT of stress. Constant bombardment of sports, camps, school, peer pressure and family life in their generation can often lead to performance anxiety and stress in general.

To give it a name, "Conscious Breathing", and to train our kids to implement it when they feel stress rather than allow themselves to downward spiral into panic mode, will lead them to mindfulness, creativity, and the awesome talent of self control.  

It's about the parasympatheic nervous system, really. When not properly managed, our stress sends our brain chemistry into "fight or flight" mode.  When this happens to a young child who doesn't have the coping skills to even know what's going on, they have a hard time pulling themselves out of that disturbing dark hole.  

However, the oxygen and our bodies together do that work for us if we just BREATHE.  Helping your child understand this feels like a magic wand to them.

Here are some ways to help your child learn to use breath to calm themselves.

1. Practice breathing from your belly:

It's fun to use body paint to paint a face on your child's belly, using the belly button as the mouth, and show them how to take the breath all the way into their belly and lungs, hold it for four seconds, then release.

2. Practice by blowing bubbles: 

What child doesn't like to blow bubbles? If they are taught deep breathing and slow release techniques while playing this fun game, they are not only distracted from whatever has them upset by looking at the pretty bubbles, but also allowing their bodies to utilize oxygen for it's calming effects.

3. Go to a kids yoga class:

Many studios offer classes for children teaching great stretches and breathing techniques.  If there is not one in your area, you can likely hire an instructor to create a weekly class if you have enough friends sign up for a 30 minute class, or if you are into yoga yourself, there are many mommy/daddy and me exercises on youtube.

4. Take your kids outside:

There's nothing like fresh air and sunshine (vit D), or even raindrops and puddles, to calm your child down.  To take the time to practice deep breath while walking at a steady pace, or taking a deep whiff of whatever's blooming.  You can't go wrong with a relay race which will also require deep breathing.  If you're able to integrate some yoga and deep breathing while outside...all the better!

Teaching your children Mindfulness and Conscious breathing is a skill that will last a lifetime, and will reap benefits for you as well as we learn to practice what we preach!

All together now.....IN.........and OUT........

Melissa Steele is an artist, designer, organic farmer and director of Little Rose Nature School on her Oconee County Property.